Monday, December 31, 2007

Snowshoeing - Tuesday 1/01/2008

Ms. Mileage, Hillene and Cracker have plans to snowshoe Tuesday morning some time. If you want to go, leave a comment. I believe the time and meeting place are still under discussion.


Anonymous said...

I ended up at office all day long, just finished up and I think things are closed for rental. have fun...maybe next time.

Anonymous said...

We are planning a snowshoeing adventure on Saturday as well, so hopefully you can make it that day, Triabry. Missed you this morning too, and anyone else who either slept in or got the wrong memo!

The plan for tomorrow is: those who want to carpool from Orem, meet at Albertsons at 7:30. Then we will pick up Allspice at 7:45 near the A.F. canyon. Not sure yet how long we will be out having fun- we'll stay as long as we can stand the frigid temperatures.