Friday, July 30, 2010

Saturday, 7.31.10

Mt. Timpanogos Park 5:50

Run up the canyon 7 miles, then 10 mile tempo down at marathon pace finishing at Wills Pit Stop.
(How you get back to Mt. Timpanogos Park is up to you.)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Thursday (7.29.10)

Suncrest, 5:15 at the Suncrest Church

Directions: Travel to Highland Highway. Also called SR 92 or 11000 North (Road running East/West that goes to American Fork Canyon)

Turn NORTH on 6000 West
Turn LEFT at stop sign, 11800 North or Westfield Road

Church is 1/2 mile on the left

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Wednesday (7.28.10)

Church by Triabry's house at 4:55 or 5:15

280 W 1890 N, Orem

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Monday (7.26.10)

1) Soccer park, 5:30

2) Rabidrunner's house, 4:30 or 5:15 (for 14 or 9. If you want something in between, let us know and we'll do our best to accommodate.)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Saturday (7.14.10)

Happy Put Your Shoulder To The Wheel day! To celebrate, let's run 20, shall we? Or at least 15.

How does the mouth of Provo Canyon at 6:00 sound? Those wanting 15 could meet us at the Canyon Glen drinking fountain at 6:25.


Various Suntans

I thought of some our various activities and tans when I saw this. Then I looked at my lack of tan-it is not facebook, it is running crack o dawn and office rest of day!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Thursday (7.22.10)

5:15 at the "Suncrest" church.

Do you want to do Suncrest or Hogs Hollow?  I guess we can vote in the morning.

Directions: Travel to Highland Highway. Also called SR 92 or 11000 North (Road running East/West that goes to American Fork Canyon)

Turn NORTH on 6000 West
Turn LEFT at stop sign, 11800 North or Westfield Road

Church is 1/2 mile on the left

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Wednesday (7.21.10)

Church by Triabry's house at 4:55 or 5:15. Some of us are planning a 4 mile tempo and we want you all to join us. We'd hate for you to miss out on the fun.

Church located at 280 W 1890 N, Orem.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Monday (7.19.10)

1) Soccer Park, 5:30

2) Rabidrunner's house, 4:45 (for 12) or 5:15 (for 9)

Friday, July 16, 2010

Saturday (7.17.10)


Provo Canyon
Meet at the mouth of Provo Canyon at 5:40 for 18 miles or 6:00 for 16 miles

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Thursday (7.15.10)

Beware the Ides of July!  It's hot and stuff.

Suncrest, 5:15, meet at the church.

Directions: Travel to Highland Highway. Also called SR 92 or 11000 North (Road running East/West that goes to American Fork Canyon)

Turn NORTH on 6000 West
Turn LEFT at stop sign, 11800 North or Westfield Road

Church is 1/2 mile on the left

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Wednesday (7.14.10)

Church by Triabry's House, 4:55 or 5:15

280 West 1890 North, Orem

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Monday (7.12.10)

12 weeks and counting! Let the training begin.

1) Soccer Park, 5:30

2) Rabidrunner's house, 4:55 or 5:15 (for 11 or 9 miles, respectively.)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Saturday (7.10.10)

1) Mouth of Provo Canyon, 6:00

2) Diamond Fork fifth water loop thingee.

Departure time is 5:15 - Meet at the park 'n ride off of the 1600 north freeway exit (across from Home Depot.)

This is a more time consuming run. We will run from 6:00 to 9:00 then hang in the river with assorted snacks. Travel back takes around 45 minutes. So basically you won't be home 'til 5:00 or 6:00 pm. (I'm kidding. Do I need to tell you all that I'm kidding?)

Come one! Come all! Should be a giggler fer sure.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Thursday (7.8.10)

Suncrest, 5:15, meet at the church.

Directions: Travel to Highland Highway. Also called SR 92 or 11000 North (Road running East/West that goes to American Fork Canyon)

Turn NORTH on 6000 West
Turn LEFT at stop sign, 11800 North or Westfield Road

Church is 1/2 mile on the left

Also... we were talking this morning about running the Diamond Fork/Hot Pot loop this weekend.  There seemed to be around 5 people who can.  Anyone else interested/able?

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Wednesday (7.7.10)

Church by Triabry's House, 4:55 or 5:15.

280 W 1890 N, Orem

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Monday (7.5.10)

1)" Soccer park, 5:30 (is this right?)

2) Rabidrunner's house, 6:00

Friday, July 2, 2010

Saturday (7.3.10)

1) Mouth of Provo canyon, 6:00

2) Rock Canyon, 6:00