Thursday, July 8, 2010

Saturday (7.10.10)

1) Mouth of Provo Canyon, 6:00

2) Diamond Fork fifth water loop thingee.

Departure time is 5:15 - Meet at the park 'n ride off of the 1600 north freeway exit (across from Home Depot.)

This is a more time consuming run. We will run from 6:00 to 9:00 then hang in the river with assorted snacks. Travel back takes around 45 minutes. So basically you won't be home 'til 5:00 or 6:00 pm. (I'm kidding. Do I need to tell you all that I'm kidding?)

Come one! Come all! Should be a giggler fer sure.


trail trekker said...

We know you well enough by now that you don't need to splain yerself Rabid. And never change either!

I'll bring the chocolate milk & cups. See you crackers saturday.

TriaBry said...

I have family fun earlier so I cannot go, I will be at the mouth of the canyon @ 6 if anyone wants company.

ms mileage said...

i'm "chipping" in with some Pringles! Can't wait for this awesomely tough run! Remember to watch out for wandering cattle!