Saturday, July 5, 2008

Monday 7.07.08

Soccer Park, 5:30


Anonymous said...

There has been talk of changing Diamond Fork to July 19th, but if that doesn't work, the Sojourners are running it on July 26th also. What time would everyone like to start?

Also, heads up for Wednesday. Rabid and I would like to start speed work. So we talked of making our run include Orem High so we can do some track work. If you would rather do something else, you are welcome to, but we would love to have you join us as well.

rabidrunner said...

Let's do it at midnight.

Anonymous said...

Earlier the better to start, so many things to little time. It was a beautiful run yesterday, I'm talking about the mountains and you speedsters, not me!

rabidrunner said...

Yeah, but your cold river butterfly stroke is Olympic quality!

rabidrunner said...

Did you hear about that time Hillene's husband (let's call him Himene) was on the phone with Hillene (this really happened, it's not a joke - although it did end up funny).

Himene to Hillene: I gotta go over to Rabid's house to get Lucky.

Hillene: What?!

(The Rabid has been caring for Him and Hillene's dog who happens to be named Lucky.)

Anonymous said...

TMI! What happens in A.F. stays in A.F.! I always thought that town was a little quirky!!

I'm game for starting at midnight! Then we can have the extra challenge of not seeing the cowpies as we step in them. And we'll beat the nudies to the hot pots, but maybe that's a bad thing. It all depends on who the nudies are I guess!

A little more than 4 weeks until the Olympics- in case you wanted to know! Personally I can't wait!! Triabry will represent us well!

Anonymous said...

Now listen, I think the 41 year old lady who won her events and will be in the Olympics is fantastic! Go Girl. But, a 51 year old man can only dream...and for some reason, I never remember my dreams when I wake up.

And we will need to find more depth to really do the butterfly in the Provo River!

But there is one dream that I should work on, that is getting Lucky in AF! When Lucky yaps at me next time I am at Hillene's, I will remeber what happened in AF, stayed in AF!