Saturday, July 19, 2008

Crackodawn Gear

T-shirts! T-shirts! Actually... Singlets! Singlets! Singlets! Get your Singlets!

There was talk today about crackodawn singlets... if you want one, leave a comment with your gender and size. Also specify if you prefer short sleeve or no sleeve. We'll see who's interested and find out how much, etc. The cost is around $18 (depends on the singlet/shirt you start with).

Here's the logo:


trailtreker said...

My brother(who created the logo) will be in awe that we are mass producing them. It's a great idea. I think I should order him one...with's large. Is anyone else tired after Diamond Fork today?! I think we compounded the matter by rushing off to play in a parents vs kids soccer game with my daughters team. It was fun and I scored the first goal of my life against a nine year old! And only got kicked in the shin once!

Anonymous said...

Diamond Fork was great but exhausting. The dip in the river after really helped with the recovery though. Thanks Triabry for being our official cold water timer. And thanks to everyone for the awesome run and the after-run refreshments!!!

As far as the Crack-O-Dawn singlets go I would love to get a Medium, no sleeve.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it was a good workout, I am still tired. But it was also beautiful-loved the scenery, glad I didn't hop in the hot tub, I doubt I ever would have climbed out! Yes, on sleeveless, L.