Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Saturday (3/15/08) and a joke

Soccer Park, 5:45
21 miles, but if you want more (as in 23), post a comment to notify others who might also want 23.

Michael Johnson, the Olympic gold medal runner, was on his way to a club with some friends. At the door, the bouncer turned to him and said: "Sorry, mate, you can't come in here — no denim." Michael was quite annoyed at this and retorted: "Don't you know who I am? I'm Michael Johnson." "Then it won't take you long to run home and change, will it?" replied the bouncer.


Anonymous said...

So this is really looking ahead, but I just found out I have a Mommy/Daughter Brunch at 9:30 in two weeks from Saturday which is when several of us have our last long run scheduled (24 miles!?) so I'm going to have to start early and get 5 miles in before the rest of the group. Is anyone else interested in starting at 5:15 at the mouth and running 5 miles before meeting the rest at the soccer park at 6?? Then if we plan a route that would be 19 at the mouth I could finish and be home in time. So...let me know!!

Rabid and E, hope your long run was fabulously fun!!

Anonymous said...

I can start @ 5:15 regardless of if I go all those crazy 24...I just sit around the home normally anyway-so count me in, we will talk.

rabidrunner said...

Our 21 miler was a seven city tour. Very delightful. But I'm tired now.

How 'bout if we just plan on running at 5:00? I'm hearing all sorts of groans and gags over that one - BUT - it is the last one... right? At least for now.

Anonymous said...

In the spirit of looking ahead, I'm scheduled to be out of town on the 29th visiting the 97 year old grandmother, so I'll miss Ms. Mileage's long run with the early start. Consequently, I'm needing 24 or 25ish this Saturday. This also gives me an extra week of taper, which I want. I'll start early and meet the rest of you, unless some of you want to join and get the bonus taper week. (Or have two big weeks in a row.)

We can discuss and get a double plan worked out.

No groans nor gags from me for the early time. There was a time when I opined that times starting with numbers less than 6 should only come once a day, but I got over it.