Sunday, March 23, 2008

Monday's Run (3/24/08)

Soccer park, 5:10 or 5:30
Exactly 4 weeks to go...

And a Joke:
A school teacher asked a student, "John, will you please conjugate the verb 'to go' for the class?" The kid began, "I go... um... you go... ehmm... he goes..." "How about a little faster?" asks the teacher. And the kid, "Sure! I run, you run, she runs..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Always enlightening us Rabid!! Yes, four weeks to go, but even more exciting, last week before the taper! Actually, maybe I should reconsider the word "exciting" since the taper can get pretty ugly mentally! None the less, all our hardwork is about to be put to the test in one short, quick month. Remember (and I am addressing this mostly to myself) eat well, sleep well, and pray hard to stay healthy!
Anyone coming bright and early at 5:10??