Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Saturday's Run (3/08/08)

5:50 am, Alpine
Hogi Yogi/Gas station at the round-a-bout (if you want 17)
Meet at 5:30 at the Allens on State Street if you want to car pool.

If you want 15, 6:00 at E's house


Anonymous said...

So those wanting 15 miles should meet E at her house at 6:10. If you need an address say so. Those wanting 17 will meet at the gas station afore mentioned at 6 am. Looking forward to a change of scenery!!

Anonymous said...

What is the expected time of completion? I have to be cleaned up and presentable in a building on a hill in a rural community 1-1/2 hours to the south by 11:00 a.m. I have 17 in mind, but don't know if I have time to get to Alpine and back while maintaining the schedule.

Anonymous said...

I would guess we could be done with 17 at around 8:30-8:45. Can you get looking presentable in 20 minutes?? If so, 17 miles would be do-able!! Or...we could meet at the gas station at 5:50 and those starting from E's house would meet at 6 and that would give you an extra 10 minutes to primp and look presentable. Any objections out there to starting at 5:50???

Anonymous said...

This doesn’t have to do with Saturday’s run, but I noticed that google maps ( too) has updated Provo Canyon and the foothills of Orem and Lindon and with clearer pictures. You can now “almost” plot out the entire Monday summer run on the trail. That is how I figure out how far I ran, or how far I plan to run.

When do we start to run on the trails again? Also, when is the Hope to Hobble run?

Anonymous said...

I look forward to getting back on the trails too, but my husband ran Bonneville Shoreline last weekend and said it was a complete mud mess. We need a few more warm dry days. Actually probably a few months of warm dry days!!

Someone else will have to comment on the Hope to Hobble date, although I would guess it hasn't been thought about quite yet!

rabidrunner said...

I want to do hope to hobble tomorrow.

Shall I change the time to 5:50 or earlier?

Anonymous said...

Yes, please change the time to 6:00 at E's and whatever time we should leave the gas station to arrive at E's at 6. It will be easier to meet the schedule for the rest of the day leaving a few minutes earlier. It's not so much a matter of primping; it's more like having sufficient time to hose off the stench and throw on enough proper attire to be modest before leaving the house.

You can have Hope to Hobble tomorrow

Anonymous said...

I'm Hoping not to Hobble tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Have a great run!! I wish I could be there but I have a 6:00 am meeting. :(