Sunday, August 17, 2008

Monday (8.18.08)

Another day with eights! So exciting.

Soccer Park, at 5:30 (but wouldn't be cool if it we ran 18 at 8:00)?

You can also join us at rabidrunner's house, 5:15


rabidrunner said...

So... who watched the marathon?! Deena broke her foot! Ouch!

Anonymous said...

And Paula Radcliff looked miserable. How did Blake end up doing? Those women are absolutely amazing!

So, one of the teachers at our elementary school has a friend coming in town from New York to run the Wasatch 100. He is looking for pacers (and I think his friend might be also). Trail Trekker mentioned Bryan from Runners Corner since he tried to get into the race and didn't. But if anyone else is interested, let me know and I will pass your name on to this teacher-friend of mine. If I understood her correctly, each pacer would run 25 miles with the racer. The race is the weekend after Labor Day (is that right Trail Trekker?)

Anyone else really sore and tired from yesterday's run??

Anonymous said...

i hope you guys really are tired from your run. Maybe I can hang with you in the morning.
I want to get home early (you know first day of school). I hope I can find ya'll in the morning

trailtreker said...

Yes, the Wasatch 100 is Sept. 6th. My understanding is that you can't have a pacer for the first 30 miles or so and then after that, at different locations there is acess to the course where you can meet up with the runners.

Ya...we watched the marathon last night. It really is cool to watch how tough they are and how my body type looks nothing like theirs!

At church today my friend, (who is not a runner) said she and her husband, (who is even less a runner) were watching the marathon and her husband asked her why I wasn't in the Olympics. I laughed so hard! But I guess I will sleep well tonight just knowing that there are a few uneducated people out there that think of me as Olympic material.

Anonymous said...

You are,Trailtreker, just keep believing in yourself!