Sunday, August 10, 2008

Monday (8.11.08)

1) Soccer Park, 5:30

2) Rabidrunner's House, 5:15

Also... I cannot for the life of me and 12 soldiers find the results of the the Provo half ironman or the Leadville. Seems as if the Leadville site is on vacation (or maybe the Lance Armstrong fan base has brought it to it's knees.)

In regards to the Jupiter Peak Steeplechase... Ms Mileage was awarded 5th, Trailtreker 9th, and Rin Tin Tin 12th. The Rabidrunner finished and the goofus with many names lost 28 minutes because he was incorrectly redirected by a small child.

Can the lovely Hilene, talented Radracer, and macho Triabry report on their accomplishments?


Anonymous said...

I just got a tex photo of Hillene and Lance Armstrong! Looks nice, they look like best friends! My daughter DJ is jealous, DJ said Hillene PR'd but I don't know any particulars of time, placings, etc of her and RadRacer. I finished, not my best, my goal was sub 6 hours and came in 6:04, I died in the run of all things-the mid day heat just seems to take me down in the run. Didn't feel too macho! But I still beat a lot of kids half my age. Time to put in a plan to handle the mid day heat next year. Way to go you runners @ Park City. That looks awesome!

Anonymous said...

Awesome job this weekend everyone!! The Crackodawners made their presence known!! Hillene, you've got to post that picture of you and Lancey boy- got to see that.

Anonymous said...

Congrat's to Triabry. Finishing that close to the goal is great, especially given the heat. Hillene rocks with a great PR in the low to mid 9 hour range. (Sorry I don't remember the specifics, but they are mighty impressive.)

It appears that the site is down at It probably collapsed under the Lance traffic. Congrat's to Dave Wiens for finishing one place ahead of Lance in a new course record by about 15 minutes.

I finished in 10:26:00 with two flats in the first 30 miles. I only had one spare tube with me. Fortunately a fellow rider gave me a tube, and things went better from there. Even with the problems, more people finished after me than ahead of me.