Monday, January 21, 2008

Saturday's Run (1/26/08)

Soccer Park, 6:00am


Anonymous said...

We talked about 18-20 miles. Any thoughts? We could do the aromatherapy route. Start at the soccer park then run west on 1200 north to 800 west(?) then turn right to 2000 north then west again out by the "Grand Tetons" (the smoke maker) and then all around out there by the indoor soccer complex, etc. Several of us ran out that way a while ago so you'll know what I'm talking about. Or we can go out towards the lake again. So speak up people. What do you want??? Then the tentative plan is to snow shoe the following weekend (Feb. 2) How does that work for people?

rabidrunner said...

Yes! Let's do the aromatherapy route.

Anonymous said...

Rabid, you're not going to be here! Or are you???

rabidrunner said...

I'm messing with you! I'll be there in spirit. And since we're the only ones these days with any comments I couldn't let you talk to yourself.

Anonymous said...

If I were to come... I would prefer the lake route rather than the industrial complex/garbage dump route!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, but the smells are so aromatic and the sights are beautiful!! How can the Provo River be any more beautiful than the west side of the freeway?!! And Jack, who are you?

Anonymous said...

Speaking of the grand tetons...some of you were telling me about the sight going on 5 between LA and San Diego...well it was a quick read and we drove by 3 times on our trip.
By the way, running in shorts was rather enjoyable, but as we flew back into SLC today, all I could see was WHITE. That's a lot of snow!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Triabry! Are you ready for these frigid temps again? Where is spring???

Anonymous said...

I thought that if anyone would recognize my code name, that would be you...

Anonymous said...

Jack, I'm glad the mystery is solved!! I thought it was you all along, you tricky guy! It's a great name and I think it should be permanent.

The plan for Saturday now is to meet at the soccer park at 6 am and run towards the lake. We can decide if we are going 18, 19, or 20 that day, but no less than 18, Cracker!!!!

rabidrunner said...

Can I tell you my plan for Saturday? I'm going to roll out of bed around 7:00ish, moan and groan a bit (skiing three days is pain people!), strap on the ol' gear and ski out the back door! Doesn't that sound fun? Seriously, this is greatest ski resort on earth (but then the greatest ski resort on earth is the one you're currently skiing - kinda like my Spouse says that his favorite food is the food he's eating.) Anyway. Carry on... have a good run.

Anonymous said...

Good to hear you're having a great time! As always it is just you and me that correspond on this blog so I guess we could just call each other!!! Oh ya, we do that too! We'll miss you tomorrow! Be safe-remember there's a lot of money invested in Boston so don't get injured!

Anonymous said...

So I can picture you rolling out of bed, OK, skiing down the slopes, just what resort is that? I would hate to picture me rolling out of bed! Have fun skiing.

Anonymous said...

I'll be there...........Paceless.