Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Saturday's Run (1/05/07)

Snoshoe group: 6:30 at the mouth of Provo Canyon
Let me know if I've listed this incorrectly.

Running Group: Rabidrunner's house, 6:00.
If anyone wants to go earlier or later holler quickly so as we can communicate it to all three of us (or four).


Anonymous said...

I might be up for some running. Hurt my back pretty good yesterday, so I don't know how I'll feel come Saturday morning. Have any ideas for time, place or distance?

rabidrunner said...

How did you do that?! Boarding, I presume...

Nothing has been decided in regards to running. I was going to send out some virtual feelers and then we could decide collectively what and when for Saturday

Anonymous said...

You were right in your presumption. I'm told it was an awesome looking wreck. Hat and goggles went flying off. Did at least 3 end over ends. Couldn't breathe for about 20 seconds, then had to force it for over a minute. Then I jumped back up and boarded for another 4 hours. Everything was going great until I sank in some powder ,had to pull myself out and stressed my back even more. Enough whining, though. It hurts to move very much right now, but, I'm pretty sure it's all muscular, so I should be good in a couple to a few days.

Think there are any trails that aren't completely covered in snow?

I checked the weather and Saturday is supposed to be completely miserable. Windy and stormy with rain/ freezing rain/ hail/ sleet/ snow.

Hopefully the weathermen change their mind by the time the weekend comes around.

P.S. I gain a decade on Saturday.

Anonymous said...

I thought you were looking old lately! Just kidding, it's just the facial hair! You need to quit showing off on the ski hills, you're going to do some serious damage if you're not careful. And besides you're almost middle age, and you can't act like a teenager anymore!!

I talked to Downhill Diva today and she reinjured her injury and thus wants to run shorter, but will turn around on her own when she feels it is time.

Cracker, Hillene and I are still up for snowsnoeing and so want to know who else is interested so we can plan a time and place.

Anonymous said...

I need to check my schedule but depending on the starting time and distance I would probably be up for a run on Saturday.

Anonymous said...

I think I may be game for the snowshoe scene, will get some rentals tomorrow.

rabidrunner said...

The starting time and place for the run are up for negotiation. Is Dr Scott interested in running? So far, we have longlegs (if he recovers), outnback and me... anyone else?

Anonymous said...

i would like to snowshoe up at big springs. How about the mouth at 6:30 and start shoeing at 7:00. That one "B" guy wants to come also. I am going to use his shoes. I think allspice or hotspice or spicychick or the other hot mama from alpine is coming also.

Radracer and Cracker bring your application and money to leadville and we will give it to the "B" boy and we will send it in with him and two other fellows that rhyme with "safen" Dad and son are going to do leadville.

rabidrunner said...

You're so sexy when you speak in code.

rabidrunner said...

So... how does running from my house at 6:00 sound?

Anonymous said...

6:00 works for me. How far are we planning to run?

rabidrunner said...

The distance has yet to be determined. Downhill Diva phoned and only wants 8. So I guess we'll do 8 then whoever wants to add on can. I was planning on 12-15.

Anonymous said...

i'm going to miss you. is it your toes?

rabidrunner said...

Not as much as I'll miss you! Yes. It's the toes. Actually, its just one toe. It's nice and yellow now. I've been told that it has permanent nerve damage and if it freezes again, it'll go black and fall off. I'm working on boots for your next adventure.

Anonymous said...