Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Saturday's Run (11/10/07)

Vivan Park, 6:30

The plan is to go up, do big springs and catch a ride back with Spouse of Ms Mileage. Did I get that right? If not, we could leave a car at the big springs parking lot.


Anonymous said...

Actually, we're not technically doing Big Springs like we normally do. We will be running on the Great Western Trail. Don't ask me where exactly we catch that trail other than I know it is near Big Springs. We will be meeting up with the BYU group and they know the route. Now that doesn't mean we have to necessarily wait around for all of them to regroup during our rest stops on the run. They have been asking me to come run with them for several weeks, but they don't run as far, so by starting at Vivian, we can add those few miles up to Big Springs before they get there and then anyone who wants to end at that parking lot after the 9-mile trail run can catch a ride back down to Vivian with one of the people in the other group. And anyone who wants to run back down South Fork for extra miles can do that too. It should be a nice change to get on the trails again.

Rabidrunner, thanks a lot for making me break my diet! Your bread was far too tempting on the way home and I just kept tearing hunks off the loaf!! It was so very tasty! You are talented in so many ways! Radracer, I'm willing to break my diet for your bread too!

We need to welcome Wasp and E-Doll to the blog. Hopefully they will feel comfortable enough to add comments as intellectual as the rest of ours are any time they feel the need! Wasp in the Canadian dude and E-Doll is the young blond that John2 picked up along side of the road one morning.

Well, see you Sat.!

rabidrunner said...

What's this diet? You haven't mentioned a diet! My bread is "hole wheat." That means it's "holy" aka "righteous" and worthy of any diet-y.

Lisa said...

Your run sounds like fun! Wish I were there. Until I can physically be bringing up the rear with Becca, I'm lurking and I've created a phantom runner that gets to run where I want and when I want. I'm really fast and like high mileage too! (My training will really come to a halt when my feet actually hit the pavement LOL)

Anonymous said...

with the holiday season approaching, I was dreading the thought of fewer miles and more yummy food tempting me. I know what happens to my weight during this time of year, and I wanted to try to avoid the feeling of tighter jeans this year. So I am trying (not perfect believe you me) to eat only protein (incl. low-fat/nonfat dairy), fruits, and veggies Monday-Thursday. Then on Fridays, I will have whole grains to fuel up for Saturday's long run. (And sometimes a small treat!) Then Saturday is the same as Friday, and Sunday, is my day to bake something yummy for the kids! It's not a total restriction diet so it seems a little easier to stick to, unless of course someone gives you two loaves of delicious bread on Wednesday!! So there you have it. Maybe you shouldn't have asked! Sometimes I just keep typing and babbling so I don't have to go clean the house! So don't mind me!! I will see you Saturday.

Oh, by the way, I would like to know if anyone is interested in running back to the cars at Vivian Saturday for the extra distance. If I am the only one, I'll just do a couple extra miles tomorrow and finish our long run at the Big Springs parking lot with the rest of y'all!

Anonymous said...

Hello? Is anyone there?! Any takers on running back to our cars Saturday morning? Maybe you're all at the BYU game! Go Mighty Cougars!

rabidrunner said...

You see... that is the reason we call you Ms Mileage and the rest of us aren't Mrs Mileage, Mr Mileage, Brother Mileage, Sister Mileage, Grandpa Mileage, 12th Cousin once removed Mileage etc...

I could see how I feel tomorrow. What would the total mileage be? I could call you to get the answer but this more fun.

Anonymous said...

Hilleen, RadRunner, & I will meet you there @ 6:30 AM. As to the madame ie ms mileage forum...I will see how I knee barked at me in the pool and during spin this morning.

rabidrunner said...

Oh yeah... I forgot Bishop Mileage. And what exactly does a barking knee sound like?

Anonymous said...

Oh, is that what I was hearing in spin this morning? I was feeling embarrased for the gal next to me because I thought she was passing gas!! Just kidding!

I ran this morning enough miles that if we did 14, I would have enough miles for the week. So, I guess the concensus is "wait and see".

Oh, rabid, bring your calendar tomorrow so I can compare some things with you. Please!

Sleep well and eat your power food in the morning and we'll see you all at 6:30am.

Anonymous said...

I'll be there bright and early!!! I'm looking forward to it! Oh I wanted to you think that we'll be done by 9am? or a little before that?

Anonymous said...

I would love to come with you all, but I worry that your speed and choice of terrain will be my downfall this week. Rabid may remember that I seem to always go the wrong way on trials and I don't want to give you all the great disservice of standing around waiting for me when I may or may not be lost.

Anonymous said...

Everyone is welcome to our little shindig! There is always a variety of speeds you know that and with the BYU group coming, there will be even more people than normal to party with!

E-doll, the 9 am thing will be close. If we start running on the trail around 7:20, and we're going about 9-10 miles on the trail, we should be able to be done when you need to be. It all depends on how tough this trail is and how much chit-chat we do (which is the real reason we all run together, right?!)

Anonymous said...

Hey ya'll...I'm a little bumbed but I think it's best for me not to go. Seeing as I have the "runathon" tomorrow too. However, just to get a few miles in I'm going to go on a gont with my sister (so it'll probably be a nice slow and easy pace) starting at Dry canyon around 7ish running on the shore:) Anyone's welcome.