Monday, May 12, 2008

Wednesday's Run (5/14/08)

Soccer Park, 5:10 or 5:30


Anonymous said...

I have heard enough of Great Scott saying that no one is making comment on this site so I thought it was time to break the trend.
First to Rick and Mel congrads on what sounded like a great run in the northwest. It sounded like a great outdoor adventure.
Second best of luck to Marc (squared) and Rich on their endurance run, I still need to get with John B and see if he needs a volunteer.
Third we understand that Mel may need some cheering up - so here goes "bottoms up", as Rich says "It will all work out in the end!". And lastly you are the "butt of the joke". Sincerely, we hope that all is well. Maybe your problem is just old age - just like the rest of us?
Fourth - hopefully everyone that wanted to get into St. George is happy - if not I might have a certificate that you could try, but I would need you to talk to my mafia friends...
Happy trails.

P.S. Rapid - thanks for keeping this up.

P.S.S. now tell me/us what your Saturday plans are.. I will probably be doing something with my horde that are going to run St. George again this year. Where??

Anonymous said...

John2, you are hilarious!! Thanks for commenting on what has become our deserted blog! Is everyone burned out of blogging too?! Thanks for your well wishes. Everything turned out great in the "end", but the prep yesterday sure was "crappy"! Glad it is over and on to bigger and better things!!
The Seattle run was an absolute blast and it would be fun if everyone ran it next year. If you want to check out the web site to see the fun we had go to,
then click on the Seattle/Bellingham race. It was really cool because Dean Karnazes (king of endurance running) was there and interacting with everyone. Very nice guy.
So, Saturday, what if we started at the soccer park and ran up to the water tower to get on the Bonneville Shoreline trail and ran north east (up the canyon) until we came down by the highway, crossed by the Upperfalls road and then ran down the canyon back to our cars at the soccer park? I don't have any idea how far that would be and it's only a suggestion. I'm up for 15 miles ran at an easy pace. Anyone??
See ya'll Saturday!