Sunday, May 25, 2008

Monday (5/26/08)

Soccer Park, 6:15

Bring yer flawers - anyone up for the tour de cemeteries?


Anonymous said...

That sounds kind of fun, I will be there, although my quads are telling me about yesterday's tour des mountains!

Anonymous said...

Just want to say thanks to everybody for the great company on the runs. I'll really miss running with you all. Tell everyone that doesn't read this that much the same things.

I might be back in town Sat. the 7th. If so, I am hoping to keep Marcy and Rich company on the last part of the run. Is anyone else planning on it? Ms. Mileage - got any good info about it?

Anonymous said...

I'm not positive on the details, and there was talk of a limit to the number of people who can pace runners at the race, so I need to find out more. Paceless and Trail Trekker, what are the rules about nonregistered runners on the course?
Anyways, good luck in Seattle, Longlegs; and watch out for the Hippies, they might try to convert you! (Maybe that was the same warning you got from people when they found out you were moving to Mormon Country!!) It's been fun having you in our group!
The plan for tomorrow, at least as discussed by Rabid and me, is to run through several local cemeteries in honor of Memorial Day. I don't believe this will include any trails (though I could be wrong) so road shoes are probably more appropriate. But if you were hoping for trails, by all means bring your trail shoes and do your thing!! Also mandatory red, white, or blue clothing is expected!! See you bright and not so early!

Anonymous said...

Hey longlegs, good luck with your new job in Seattle! It's been great running with you. Next time you are in town come and visit us on a run. :)

rabidrunner said...

Longlegs - Congrats on the new job. Keep us posted on your happenings and check in often! It's been a pleasure to know and run with you.

rabidrunner said...

Oh how the rabidrunner dislikes the rain. I'm so sorry to have missed it this morning! We all know that if I show up, I'll melt for sure!

Anonymous said...

Good Luck and best wishes Longlegs, you will love Seattle!

ms. mileage, we talked about a purchase today, I received an email from Costco-$25 off, you may want to check that out.

By the way, we took a great tour of a beautiful cemetary today-we all knew it was somewhere up in the Edgemont area of Provo but didn't know exactly where or how beautiful it is.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the run was awesome! A lot of hills, but very pretty! And the rain wasn't too bad, so next time we expect more of you to venture out!

Hillene, how was the race? So, I just got talked into my first ever ride on my road bike this Saturday. I need lessons from you!!! If anyone else wants to go, we're going from Bishop B's house to the top of South Fork and back (24 miles). I told them if they were going to get me to come to the dark side once this summer, this would be the week before marathon training starts! So let me know if you are interested in coming with us.

p.s. thanks for the heads up, Tri, about the coupon. I didn't receive that email, so if you're not using yours, would I be able to?
