Monday, October 29, 2007

Wednesday's Run (10/31/07)

HILLene's at 5:00, RadRacer's at 5:15 or Downhill Diva's house at 5:30.
Wear a costume if you like.


Anonymous said...

i would love to join the groups. Let's get together yeah yeah (do you hear the music). I need to be home by 6:20. I leave my home around 5:00 over to radracer at 5:15 and if downhill diva is running we are there at 5:30. What do you guys do??? should we meet at the park?? radracer speak what do you want to do???? ms. mileage probably wants 15. so she needs to speak...
and if zee dr is around I am spinning tues w/bc at the rec. It starts at 5:30 we can go until 7:00 party on

rabidrunner said...

So... HILLene's at 5:00 or RadRacer's at 5:15 or Downhill Divia's at 5:30? Then, those interested can pick their time and/or place. But remember, you can pick your time but you can't pick your...

Anonymous said...

you can't pick your friends or your nose?? I'm game for the plan tomorrow of meeting at Hillene's at 5:00. I would like 12 tomorrow-anyone? anyone? But I'm fine with 10! Rabid, good job on making it through crazy lady's halloween spin class! There's no one else like her in this world!! And Tribry and Cracker, sorry you missed out. Next time get your (in the words of someone's spouse) crackobutts out of bed earlier!

So, if you read this blog and someone who runs with us does not, let them know the plan for tomorrow is different than the normal Wed run. See you all tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Hey, my crackobutt was out of bed...just kind of came at the regular 5 AM and the parking lot was was a warm run this morning for Oct 30. But, I like the spin a couple of times weekly, so I missed it, even with the maniac instructor. See you tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I'm getting the impression that the plan is the hillene/radracer/tribry usual to get hillene home by 6:20. Ms Mileage et al can meet at any of the above locations for our 8 loop and add additional either before or after if 8 is not enough.

My crackobutt had difficulty getting out of bed, as is customary for a Tuesday, but I did manage to spend some time in the former house of Lindsay. If this difficulty keeps up, I may need an intervention.

What's this costume stuff about?

Anonymous said...

We're just trying to loosen things up a bit and add a little spice to our same old same old. No pressure, but if everyone does it, no looks dumb on their own!!

rabidrunner said...

The costume stuff is our meager attempt to celebrate a pagan holiday. Some of us, however, don't really need an excuse to dress up. (You should see what I wear to vacuum.)

Intervention!? What would the RadRacer intervention consist of? "We're worried about your excessive use of the Former House of Lindsay. We think you've gone too far. I mean, look at those raging biceps!" Then we could lock you in a room full of donuts and other fatty flavorings. After three days of detox, you could then join other Former House of Lindsay rats for group.

I e-mailed cracker an itinerary... did you get it?

Winder said...

Maybe I should come and show you all how to run in a costume. It would be sweet in my too big shoes from rabid and the tight leather pants that won't zip up over my fat prego belly! I would win your contest for sure.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Winder, if you've got it, flaunt it! BTW,(I feel really young and hip when I abreviate like that!)congrats on the "baby on board"! Oh, do you even remember me? George's condo last May with rabid and J and J's fam.?!