Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Saturday's Run (11/03/07)

Mouth O' Provo Canyon, 6:00.


Anonymous said...

No suggestions yet on Saturday-does that mean I'm a follower, not a leader? Well I can say based on our runs...I seem to do a lot of following! Which leads me to thank rabidrunner for 2 things, 1) today as I was FOLLOWING, I was priviledged to see the true CRACK o dawn-thanks for the view! 2) Thanks for the nice multi colored hat! The colors are great. Now don't anyone else get jealous of my HAT of MANY COLORS-it's mine, you cannot take my hat and sale me to someone that will take me to let's say Vegas...Merci bien pour le chapeau, cela va m'aider rester chau cet hiver!

Anonymous said...

Translation please Dr. Scott! It's been a long time since French has been in vocabulary except for bon bon et eclairs s'il vous plait!

Are we safe for trails on Saturday? Mileage? 18-20? Just kidding. 13-15 again? It would be nice to start a little earlier and be able to go do some bending and stretching at the gym after.

Hope your Halloween was great. I had a big hang over this morning (the good clean fun kind!) Too much candy and too little sleep.

Hillene, thanks for letting you male-version-mini-me come play at our place. They all had a lot of fun! I have a great photo of the 5 females holding up their "Superman"! Very cute!

Later gators!

Anonymous said...

Rad, Diva, and I talked this morning and thought mouth of canyon @ 6 would be good? ms. mileage can keep going if she wants! Remember I mentioned the article in the Runners World that mentions that it is OK to listen to your body and slow down a bit... (I put in the slow down a bit for my benefit!)

Anonymous said...

6:00 at the mouth would work for me... especially if it's around 10 miles! I have to be home by 7:30 to get ready for my son's STATE CHAMPIONSHIP GAME!!! All right, yes I am slighly proud and excited about it.
So, unless I get lazy (again!), I should be there.
Ah, and Zee Doctor says: Drink plenty of water and get plenty of sleep (which explains my absences)... to that TriaBry (I can't wait to see his multi-colored hat) adds "listen to your body"! Well said my friend!
Hey, did I know you could speak/write French? Felicitation mon ami! Et reste au chaud cet hiver... grace a ton chapeau!
A demain!

rabidrunner said...

Maybe we could go up in the dark and hit the Bonneville Shoreline trail on the way back? I'll change it to Mouth o' Canyon, 6:00 and we can discuss the actuals in the morning.

For those of you who have yet to receive a hat of many colors from me, I have one for you. Yes. Even you.

Anonymous said...

what time is yoga tomorrow? Are we going to be able to get 15 miles in before? Does anyone else want to go that far? Pretty please with sugar on top!

Anonymous said...

I am good for was that 18-20 that had me hurting! See you all at 6

Anonymous said...

i am excited to hear your story about the halloween party. superman had a great time with all the princesses. they looked sooo cute!!!! i want to see that picture. sounds great at the canyon. you better be the dr scott

Anonymous said...

Yoga is at 8:30. That gives us 2-1/4 hours run time plus 15 minutes travel etc. time. We should be able to do 15 if we don't dawdle. I have been informed that I have to be home by 10, so this plan should work.

Regarding the trails, the elk hunt started Thursday, and I don't know if the deer hunt is still going. We can decide the route in the a.m.

Becca said...

I can't make it tomorrow and I will definitely miss you, even though I know that it would be hard for any of you to miss me seeing as am I always bringing up the rear. But I do appreciate the patience you all have with me.

By the way, I feel the need for a better name than my plain old boring one when posting on this site. Any suggestions?