Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Wednesday (9.8.10)

Church by Triabry's House  at 4:45 or 5:15.

Also, in other news, from Trail Trekker:  Steve Earl's wife, Keli Anne, had a heart attack on their bike ride Monday morning. They were on the road above Timpanogas Park when she began having trouble breathing. A sheriff just happened to drive along & Steve flagged him to a stop. The ambulance arrived, equip with a brand new, high-tech piece of equiptment that allowed the ekg they took in the ambulance to be completed while in transit & then sent to the hospital so upon arrival, Keli Anne was rushed into surgery with the doctors prepared for what procedure was needing to be performed. 

Rich & I visited her this morning & she is looking well. Steve was in good spirits also. They inserted a balloon into one of her main arteries & cleaned it out, good as new. She will be home from the hospital tomorrow if all goes well. I know how much all of your thoughts & prayers were a strength to me during my recovery & thought that the Earls could use that benefit right now as well. 


radracer said...

I'm game if anyone else is. I'll check later for a confirmation.

trail trekker said...

Hi all my awesome runner friends. I wanted to let you know that Steve Earl's wife, Keli Anne, had a heart attack on their bike ride Monday morning. They were on the road above Timpanogas Park when she began having trouble breathing. A sheriff just happened to drive along & Steve flagged him to a stop. The ambulance arrived, equip with a brand new, high-tech piece of equiptment that allowed the ekg they took in the ambulance to be completed while in transit & then sent to the hospital so upon arrival, Keli Anne was rushed into surgery with the doctors prepared for what procedure was needing to be performed.

Rich & I visited her this morning & she is looking well. Steve was in good spirits also. They inserted a balloon into one of her main arteries & cleaned it out, good as new. She will be home from the hospital tomorrow if all goes well. I know how much all of your thoughts & prayers were a strength to me during my recovery & thought that the Earls could use that benefit right now as well.

Keep on running, ya'll. I miss you muchly!!!

Rabid said...

Thanks for the info Trail Trekker. We'll keep them in our prayers.

Rad, I'll meet you at 4:45.