Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Wednesday (9.2.09)

Church by Triabri's house, 5:00
280 West and 1890 North Orem

Some sort of speed work is planned.


radracer said...

Can you elaborate on the speedwork? I saw Downhill Diva this morning, and she was planning on meeting us either at the church or her house, should we be going that way.

rabidrunner said...

Um. I haven't heard about any speedwork. It doesn't matter to me. I spoke with Hillene the other day and she said that your plans were to meet at the church. So basically, it's your call!

Mr. Hammerman said...

The thought was that we need to start doing some mile repeats. We wanted to ease into them so we wanted to start this week with 1 mile repeat and then go to the track at Timp and do some strides.

Mr. Hammerman said...

I am sure that we could do just about anything but the thought was to get warm and do 1 mile repeat and then do something like strides.

ms. mileage said...

Mr. Hammerman, yes, that's what we talked about Monday. Warm up to the corner of 8th and 16th and then do a 1-mile. Then maybe recover for a bit before heading to the track for 1/4 repeats. I'll let Downhill Diva know that we won't be going by her house.