Saturday, April 26, 2008

Monday's Run (4/28/08)

Soccer Park, 5:30
(Do you want me to put 5:10 too?)


Anonymous said...

How 'bout same time, same place, but maybe catch the trail for the second half of the run like at the top of the horse trail?
Anyone out there??? Or is everyone still enjoying a well-deserved rest?...Hope to see someone there Monday!!

Anonymous said...

It is biking season. I would love to bike mon tues fri and sat. Obviously mother nature does have some say. But these are my desires. If you can join me at my house on thurs that would be great!!! I think we are going to have spring. Some day over the rainbow. . . Thanks for the good time...

Anonymous said...

WOO-HOO biking!! I'm in! What type of biking and how far did you have in mind? I'm excited, I miss getting out on group rides.

Anonymous said...

sorry i ddin't read that ealier. we went mon morning and it was great. Wow I need skills. The mts seem more rocky and steeper. The corners are sharper also. I know I am getting older and slower. Don't tell anyone.

We are going Tues. I'll check the blog mon night around 8:00 if I don't see anything then we will try for Fri.

Anonymous said...

the type of biking is mt. and yes there are rocks and cliffs. It seems like the cliffs are steep right now. At the end of the season they mellow out. It is more of a slope.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I definitely need to get some practice and build up some skills. Let me know when and where, and I'll do my best to make it!

Half the time I can't read what that stupid word verification is.

rabidrunner said...

Sorry about the word verification... we were getting spammed too much so I had to turn it on.

Anonymous said...

we are meeting at 6:00 on 12 north and I think 1100 east. Just go to the soccer park and head east and wait around the area where we turn right to go to the canyon. I hope to see you there

Anonymous said...

Sorry I missed your post for the biking times. Fell asleep about 15 minutes before you wrote it, oops. Think I'll go do some stuff in Provo canyon right now.

Friday sounds fantastic for some more riding! I'm doing the BAM off-road duathlon in June and have to get in some great mtn bike training for the next month.

See you tomorrow morning if you are going to be there.

rabid- I understand, wasn't trying to say anything bad, just that my brain has a hard time with super curvy letters!