Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Tell us your Boston story!


rabidrunner said...

Okay. I'll start. Among the most memorable of the memorables was the WATER BOTTLE THEIF.

Hillene and I were flying home. We both got on the second leg of our flight (at 11:30pm) and conked (as in sawed logs, snoozed, passed out, whatever).

We woke up AFTER landing (that's pretty tired when you sleep through the landing). I couldn't find my nifty camelback water bottle and asked her if it was under her chair. She looked, said no, then stood up to look behind her seat.

A lady behind us had a water bottle identical to mine and incidentally said waterbottle had the same lip gloss goo on the spicket. Hillene says, "Is that yours?" whilest pointing to my precious.

The lady nods her head yes and Hillene sinks into her chair where we stare at each other dumbfounded and speechless.

Hillene and I conclude (without exchanging words)that she must need it more than I. We thought of all the other used stuff (currently on our personages) that she might need too.

Then we laughed. 'Cause we were laughing at everything.

Anonymous said...

I have many stories, any time I drive on vacation, there is a story, and I don't suggest anyone drive in Boston! it took 2 hours to get from Bunker Hill to our hotel on Friday. We were on the road under the Garden for so long we could have taken in a Celtics game! After that, we went via mass transit every time. (I guess there are a couple of other stories of rental cars and taxis to top that. And yes, we hit every history thing possible. Any questions on the beginning our our great country? And by the way, the rock @ Plymouth is being remodeled!! Did you know there are 296 steps up the monument at bunker Hill-I ran every one of them, you would think that Heartbreak wouldn't be that bad at all!

Now, how about when I went to the PA guy before the race and had him announce that the old guy of "CrackoDawn" is lost, please meet him at the info tent...I sat and sat and none of my buddies ever came-I am sure that is why my hips locked up at mile 20...not really. It was a bit embarrassing as I tried to loosen up my hips (both) a TV announcer came up with a microphone and asked how I liked heartbreak hill-didn't really know what to say, should have said, "Hi Mom."

DJ, my daughter is going to the doctor tomorrow, she ran the whole race with a foot injury-maybe a stress fracture.

Wish I would have seen ANY of you that race day! And if you would have seen me in the last 5 miles or after, you could have cheered me up! You could have talked me out of trading in my running shoes for my road bike or swimming things!

And I need to just take Hillene and Rabids' example and just 'laugh'.

rabidrunner said...

So sorry old crackodown guy! Anytime the guy with the PA said anything it sounded like "wah, waaaah, waaaha waha, wa, wa".

Anonymous said...

Yeah, sorry Triabry, I didn't hear that announcement either. I was looking for you and DJ that morning, but it is impossible to find anything or anyone in that mass of chaos!

My marathon story would take far too long to really go into. But basically, it goes: severe anemia that week before; severe anxiety the day of; lack of oxygen and heavy wheezing mile 7; abundance of doubt and self-talk between miles 5 and 10; phone calls to hubby and doctor in Utah mile 9; medical tent mile 10; IV, oxygen, blood drawn and 40 minutes in tent; a miraculous call from my guardian angel, Hillene as I'm coming back to "life"; jumping up off the med cot and taking off with Hillene to run the remaining 16 miles; pictures, pictures, pictures; laughter; hand slapping with the crowd; stopping to breathe every mile or so; hand slapping; laughing our heads off; eating, eating, eating all that was being offered; taking bites of other people's food; laughing; having the absolute time of our lives; seeing the finish line; grabbing hands to finish with huge smiles; breaking down in tears because I had actually finished the Boston Marathon when 16 miles before, I had come to the realization that it was not going to happen this year. This was by far the my "best" marathon and I couldn't have done it (seriously) without Hillene. THANK YOU!!!

The entire trip was so much fun! The Trials were absolutely amazing.

trailtreker said...

I loved this trip so much and have some great memories to look back on in the let-down weeks ahead. It was fun to have a few days with my hubby and try to keep up with his paceless plodding around beantown. He managed to get through the Blue Man Group concert during the onset of a migrane. Then we miraculously ran into E and spouse at the expo. We hung with them on Friday and Saturday and had my favorite laugh of the trip when we asked a guy for directions to the Target behind our hotel. He had a strong baastin accent so his directions were that we should "take a white"(right) and then go a little ways and "take a long white"(right). The funniest part came when we realized that every turn we took to get there ended up being a weft, I mean left. We had a fun sleepover with E and hubby, (watch for the pictures that will be on the cd that rabid offered to put together)and then got immersed inthe thrill of the Olympic Trials on Sunday. Just for your information, E loves Deena Kastor! She never doubted her once, not even when she was behind by 2 minutes! It was fun to shop with the girls at the expo and get matching shirts and then carb load on those spuds down at Fanueil Hall with everyone. The marathon itself was a thrill and I felt I conquered it in comparison to my atempt in '05. As the miles rolled along I was thinking of each of you out there, wondering how your race was going and just praying for all of us! I felt a lot of emotion hearing about everyone's stories at the finish line and am especially touched by ms. milleage and hillene's triumph! You all rock!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't know if anyone will read this because it is sooo late. I just loved hearing all those stories. We (ms mileage and I) went over to rabidrunner house and wrote our story. There were some of us that didn't get our name in the newspaper. We want our name in the paper. So we are going to send our story. If you ever want anyone to type and write a story---wow rabidrunner rules!!!!! She is awesome. She has a great brain and knows how to use it. I was so grateful to go to her house. I am having marathon blues. I am nagging at my kids and now this is hilarious. My wonderful husband comes down w/a COLD Meier's Sparkling Cold Duck, with our fun engraved "Happy New Year 1996 John and Jilene" champagen glasses. How can I stay bugged when someone does that!!!!!
As I was saying, I am having some let down. And I wish it was milk. It was fun to get filled again w/my bosom buddies. How often can we do that!!!!
My kids want to come and play also. The radidrunner home rules!!!!!

Ok now triabry it is time to bike. It was great on friday and sat. I would love to get a road bike. But wow those mts are fun!!! Let's just run wed and thurs. and bike the rest. Anyone on my team.
