Monday, July 13, 2009

Wednesday (7.15.09)

Hillene's House, 5:15


Soccer Park, 5:30

Both paths will convene at the Soccer Park, is that the plan?


triabry said...

We, the west side of the track crack o dawners are going to meet at Hillene's at 5:15, we can then run to PGHS or put in more warm up in our area and end up at Timpanogos HS. What do you think?

outnback said...

PGHS has a brand new track. It's very nice. :)

ms.mileage said...

How far to PGHS and how many miles total? is it 9?

triabry said...

Hillene was thinking 8-10 ish

ms.mileage said...

i'm not sure what to do. If anyone from the soccer park group is going to show up there, then I will too. But if everyone is meeting at 5:15 that's where I'll be! I had told Elycse the soccer park, so maybe what would be best is to do our track work at Timpanogos and meet there about 5:40. Then those who haven't checked the blog tonight don't get left behind, and I will still go to the soccer park at 5:30. People, speak up!!

ms.mileage said...

Or, your group could run to the soccer park and meet us there at 5:30, then we could run around for wherever for another 6 miles then go to the track for a mile or so and then we can run you home and head back to the soccer park to finish. Hey! that's a great plan!! :)

triabry said...

Not sure but we could start at Hillene's at 5:15 and circle around to THS at 5:40???

triabry said...

That might work too! So look for us somewhere in time!