Friday, June 3, 2011

Saturday (6.4.11)

Orem High School, 6:00am

Orem high is located at 175 Tiger Way, or approximately 400 East and 175 South (Orem.) Meet in the parking lot on the west side of the school.  Some of us are running the 5k to support Camie Jacobs at 9:00.  The plan is to run a few (12ish) at 6:00, then whoever wants to turn back for the race can do so.  Perhaps we could start at Orem high and head towards Provo Canyon? Or...?

If you would like to join in the support for Camie, you can register that morning, the cost is $15 for the 5k or $10 for the kids run (the distance is 1k, I beleive.)  Camie is a cross country coach at Orem high school and was recently diagnosed with colon cancer.  The Orem high cross country team is producing this run for you.

If you would like more information about Camie's run, you can go read the Herald's article.

The Camie's Run facebook page can be found at:

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