Friday, June 4, 2010

Saturday (6.5.10)

1) Mouth of Battle Creek Canyon, 6:00. Head East on 200 South in Pleasant Grove. Road ends with a parking lot.

2) Mouth of Provo Canyon, 6:00.

Best of luck to the Squaw Peak 50-miler crowd! May the force and many carbs be with you!


TriaBry said...

IF I can run, I (and 2 others who are doing Utah Valley M next week) need a taper run, I will be at mouth of Provo Canyon @ 6 AM.

hillene said...

Do we have a plan for battle creek? Are we doing trails? We really should be on a bike... Oh wait I am doing that later on in the day... So back to plan... I guess it really doesn't matter the plan. I was thinking maybe it did matter. I need to be home by 7:30. I can come back whenever I need to. So I guess I could erase all this... But oh well I will see if anyone reads it..

radracer said...

Yes, somebody read it. You sound just as indecisive here as you did on the phone. It must be contagious.

Rabid said...

I read it too. I'm running the Bonneville are you two coming? Triabry, hope the back is better fast!