Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Thursday (1.21.09)

1) I believe a group is meeting 5:30 at the Church by Triabry's house (280 W 1890 N, Orem).  If there is a group that is meeting at another time, let me know and I'll post it.

2) Crystal Meth's House, 5:15


radracer said...

Is it 5:30 or 5:15?

Rabid said...

Yes, trailtreker and outnback decided that they were going to meet at 5:30 because they were only running 5. If you want to change it, by all means do so...

radracer said...

Got it. They're racing, so I won't mess up their plans. I'll either match their time or loop back by. Any idea when triabry is going out?