Friday, December 4, 2009

Saturday (12.4.09)

5:45 at the Soccer Park


6:00 at the Mouth of Provo Canyon


ms. mileage said...

Soccer park if you want 15 and Mouth if you want 12. And it was talked about to run up the canyon to the Shoreline trail head by Bridal Veil and then take that trail around to eventually come out at Canyon Road and then run up to the new road that goes down to Riverwoods and then back on the path to the Mouth. And those who are at the Soccer park will continue on.

Dress warm!! :)

john2 said...

Any word on Tribry and his results?

TriaBry said...

I feel that I made up for my past 3 lousy marathons. Death Valley is not a fast marathon! But I felt strong the entire race, didn't stop, kept my pace, didn't get passed but once on the 2nd I am glad I ran it. If Crackodawn ran it, we would take all the honors (we, meaning you all) but I know there are a couple who could not do the 'no ipod' !!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting your comments TriaBry. I hope you know that I was not as interested in your time as much as what you have just shared. I am so grateful for your good example and dedication. I hope you had a grand weekend, besides just the race!

Ms. mileage said...

Triabry, you are amazing! You are such an example of strength and determination to all of us! And just a real great person!