Sunday, October 11, 2009

Monday (10.12.09)

1) Soccer Park, 5:30
I'm assuming that you guys are still meeting here. If not, let me know.

2) Rabidrunner's House, 5:15


Unknown said...

Hey all you avid female runners...are you interested in participating in a simple video shoot? I'm doing a product video shoot for my company (ProPay). It would be a simulated party (sort of like a Mary Kay party). All you have to do is be a sit it. The video will be published on our website and on YouTube. I need 6-8 females rangining age from 35-45 at my house on Tuesday morning around 9:00 or 9:30 for about 2 hours. Really need the help. If you're interested in doing something fun that could be viral on YouTube, let me know. Call me at 801-850-3363 and I can give you more detail.


rabidrunner said...

Scott! During these tuff times, "viral" might not be the right word. Oink Oink.

I'm assuming this is Scott, spouse of the Downhill Diva. Correct?

Unknown said...

Yep, Scott-spouse of "THE" Downhill Diva. Actually, if you can help out, this is being moved to Wednesday morning.

Unknown said...

I'll sweaten the pot...if you will participate I'll throw in a $25 gift certificate to a store of your choice. Should only take a couple of hours. Any takers? Wednesday morning at my house, 9:00 AM. ---Scott