Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Saturday (2.7.09)

If you believe in "Magic", "Come On Over" to the Soccer Park. "Suddenly" at 6:00am we will begin some "Physical" exercise on that "Long and Winding Road" so as to avoid a "Heart Attack". "The Rumor" was there would be a snow show group, but that idea went "Falling". You guys might get to go "Every Time It Snows". However, there have only been "Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain", so there's no snow.

Remember... "I'm Hopelessly Devoted To You"
- rabidrunner


Anonymous said...

I am up for a good, long run...especially if you are going to wear said Jane Fonda outfit! What's the theme....favorite workout role model?

rabidrunner said...

Yeah... you can be Olivia Newton John.

Anonymous said...

This would bring back too many memories of leg warmers and High school.

PS. I am thinking of getting a Forerunner 205. Do any of you use the heart rate monitor in the 305? Does the watch help you run faster or further?

Anonymous said...

OK, Olivia Newton John was my heart throb in high school, I was right up front in her concert @ USU, my brother picked her up from the airport and brought her up to Logan, she signed his poster of her, Nolan, I honestly love you!! I had her T shirt as pajamas. Now that almost makes me want to run instead of doing the snow shoeing. This is really aging me. :) I don't have a forerunner so I cannot say either way.

rabidrunner said...

Okay... now that we've hashed out what will be worn... where shall we meet?

And Scott - I would go with the heart rate monitor. If anything it's a gee whiz gadget.

Anonymous said...

Not sure if there will be a snow shoeing group tomorrow, if anyone wants, I will lead the way, if not I will run with you all.

Anonymous said...

I can still remember my Mom listening to Olivia and I would stand right by the fridge, under the radio, and sing along!!! It makes me want to break out into "Have you never been mellow" or "Xanadu" right wiht now. She is a classic! I guess it dates me too :)
I decided that I don't want to run more than 10 since our long race is next weekend so maybe if you all want more, we could do a ten mile loop and you can add on.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to put a damper on the snowshoe crowd. Spouse is on committee at a conference tomorrow morning and has to report for duty before 8. On a Saturday, of all days.

I have the 305, and use the heart rate all the time, even in races. Once you get a feel for where your heart rate should be at what level of effort, it can keep you from messing up a race (that is, if you pay attention to it and don't say 'Oh, it's OK that I'm 10 beats per minute higher than I should be, I'll be OK....BONK, CRASH & BURN'

Anonymous said...

Hey TrailTrecker, I wanted to hear Olivia so I created an Olivia station on Pandora and she is currently singing Have You Ever Been Mellow!!

Now, don't any of you non believers get sick over this Olivia talk!

So we still need a plan for tomorrow?

rabidrunner said...

I believe I believe I believe I believe!

rabidrunner said...

We still don't have a time and a place, however. I'm guessing 6:00? Location? Being as it's February, we have so many options.

Anonymous said...

Do I hear a vote for soccer park? I am OK for most places, but since we have so many options, we could just take the easist...6AM at the park, ready to be mellow.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a plan so...."I'll be there"!!

triabry....that's funny! But just so you can call yourself a true fan...the song is called, "Have You NEVER Been Mellow".

Anonymous said...

OK, I have a hard time with words of songs! I need to hang with Hillene in Primary and learn the way the kids do!!