Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Saturday's Run (2/23/08)

Soccer Park, 5:15 or 6:00
many miles planned


Anonymous said...

As of right now (3 pm on Wednesday) the plan is to meet at the Soccer Park at 6:00 for those planning 15-17. If you are wanting 20+ maybe you want to meet earlier or run more at the end. Radracer? Cracker? I think you are the two who wanted 20+ . OR you could come to the dark side and run your 20+ next weekend with the rest of us and make life easier!!!

Anonymous said...

I would wager that ms. mileage cannot resist higher mileage if there are those going...the temptation will be too great. Maybe this posting will make her want to prove that she can resist the temptation of more mileage, we will see.

Anonymous said...

I have to resist seeing as I have to be home at 9 am in order to not miss my girls' tumbling competition in Ogden!! Otherwise, you know darn well I would have a hard time turning down the opportunity to run 23 miles!! Just kidding. I really do know how to back off when the time is right- and from now until the marathon that is going to be every other weekend!

Has anyone been up the canyon past Bridal Veil to know if there is snow or not? It would be a nice change of pace if we could run from the soccer park up the canyon Saturday so we can have some downhill on the return.

Rabid, get that IT better pronto! You are sorely missed (no pun intended!) I wear the "Support The Rabid"-wrist band daily in honor of you and your swift recovery!!!! (Not to mention the swift return of "The Office", but that's a given, right?!)

Anonymous said...

I just got off the phone with Cracker, and he is out for tomorrow, but hopes to be back for Monday. He thinks E will be joining us tomorrow. I'm planning on a longer distance than last week, with how much longer yet to be determined.

In spirit true to the name of this blog, I'm thinking adding on before rather than after the published time would be appropriate. I'm thinking one hour earlier ought to do it, and get ms. mileage home on time.

Anyone willing to go along with this, or am I going it alone? (ms. mileage, can you resist the temptation?)

Anonymous said...

I have not been up to Bridal Veil, for a month, but with the snow today and the fact that the county does not maintain above the park - I would not think it would be wise to go above the Bridal Veil park barrier.

Rad - what direction/path are you thinking to go?

My knee has started to act up this week - runners knee, so I am really debating about what I want to do. Rapid we do hope the best for you as well as others that are dealing with hurt body parts.

Anonymous said...

I was just going to run from home to and from the park which would give me an addl 4.5 in addn to what the group does.

rabidrunner said...

So... start at 5:00, then come back for others at 6:00 then run 15 from there?

I believe the physical therapy is working! But maybe it's really the chit-chat that they give you while you're on their table being pulsed to death with electricity then scraped with a plastic thing that leaves bruises.

rabidrunner said...

I forgot to ask where you want to meet at 5:00, so here goes: Where do you want to meet at 5:00?

Anonymous said...

Rad, I am going to prove to the rest of you that I CAN resist the mileage, but only because next week I would like to run 22!! I'm only the every other week plan from now until the marathon (atleast that is what my schedule says!!)

Anonymous said...

I was thinking of 5:00 at the park. Rabid, Are you thinking of joining the early team now that you've been shocked and bruised?

rabidrunner said...

No... I'm not going to join you guys tomorrow. I figure I'd see what would happen tomorrow before I invest the driving time.

So... in regards to the wasatch back, I have an idea for a name. Make sure you ask Ms Mileage about it tomorrow. I'd type it here, but you never know who might be lurking. (It's that good).

Anonymous said...

i was hoping for a bike ride in the afternoon but i don't know if that is going to happen.

I would like at least 21. But I have to be done by 9:00 to pick up my "hip" mom from therapy. She broke her hip last friday snow skiing and is still recovering. So I think I will call you radracer because I don't know if I will look again on this site.

I am glad you are getting shocked rabidrunner. It is always good to give your money away to someone that hurts you. That is how I get my money.

rabidrunner said...

You're supposed to blame the pain on the dentist...

Anonymous said...

The radracer and hillene official plan is park at 5:15, returning for the rest of the group gathering at 6. Hillene must be done by 9 also, so ms. mileage can join in this most greatly tempting event and still make her 9:00 schedule. (Are you feeling the peer pressure?)

Rabid, I hope you are doing the prescribed treatment for the IT issue and that you get the expected results. I'm sure we will talk about you tomorrow in a most kind and concerned manner. (Been there, done the IT thing, and have concluded that it stinks, especially with an event on the horizon.)