Thursday, August 26, 2010

Saturday (8.28.10)

Timpanogos Park (up Provo Canyon) at 5:30 for many miles.  Like 21ish miles.

I guess the mileage can vary.  If you want to meet higher up for less miles (15, 17, whatever), leave a comment and we can look for you at Bridal Veil or wherever. 

And good look to Ms. Mileage and Triabry on their Triathlon's tomorrow!  You guys are so awesome.


brystler said...

I won't be here this weekend. If the vote is for next weekend I volunteer to drop off water, chocolate milk, and pretzels on the trail the night before.

radracer said...

I'm on out-n-back's team for about 21 miles. I do have guests in town and a family engagement starting at 10:00 in the south end of SL County. I have usually been getting home a bit before 10 (post yoga), so getting home before 10 and up there by 11 might be tolerated, but any later would be risking losing favored son-in-law status and would be frowned upon by Spouse.

Another yoga session would also do me good, so getting that in puts my start time from somewhere near home at about 5:15 to 5:30 to hit 21 miles. I'm OK starting early and meeting people mid-run and turning back early. I would even run up Squaw Peak to start out with the Hope to Hobble group.

Anonymous said...

Our vote would be to run Big Springs starting at Timp park or whatever would give us about 21-22. Then doing hope to hobble next week. Lew was interested in this as well.

Captain Insano

Anonymous said...

I like the Big Springs plan for this weekend and Hope to Hobble next weekend. Todd is is of town this weekend and wanted to do Hope next weekend as well.


Anonymous said...

My vote is anything that might bring chocolate & pretzels :)


Rabid said...

Looks like more votes for Big Springs than Hope to Hobble. So meet at Timp Park for Big Springs? 5:30? How does that sound?

Anonymous said...

5:30 sounds great.

Captain I