Timpanooke to Grove Creek
Meet at the Grove Creek parking lot at 6:30
(Basically, take 1100 North Pleasant Grove and head East as far as you can go. You'll hit the parking lot.)
The plan is to drive up AF Canyon to the Timpanooke trailhead and run up and around the face of Timp, then down Grove Creek Canyon. I think it's around 12 miles, but on't quote me on that... it could be 10, it could be 14. I'm pretty sure it's not more than 14.
WEAR BRIGHT COLORS.... ORANGE IF YOU GOT IT! I just discovered that the deer hunt opens tomorrow morning.
If you're coming, please leave a comment so we can make sure we have enough room. If you have a different run plan, let me know and I'll add it.
I am going on the same trail but I will have wheels and start a different time. Have fun:)
I would like to run this. I will be there!
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