Monday, September 27, 2010

Wednesday Run 'n Party

1) First, the run is 5:15 at the church by Triabry's house for 7 miles.

2) Second, you and yours (significant other, spouse, kids) are officially invited to the Nth annual Crackodawn Carb Celebration. We don't care if you're running St George, or if you are not running St George, all we care about is that you come to the celebration and bring some carbs. We also want to meet 'n greet your family and whatnot, so bring them with the carbs.

Date: Wednesday, Sept 29
Time: 6:00pm
Place: Scera Park in Orem. Historically we've used the pavilion just north of the Scera Pool. Enter from State Street.
Bring: Your special friends or live-ins
Also Bring: Salad, dessert, or carb dish (note that they're all carbs.)
Inclement Weather: There won't be inclement weather, record heat this year.

I'll bring the plates, cutlery and a tablecloth or two. If you have a tablecloth bring that. Also, can someone volunteer to bring a jug of water with cups?

1 comment:

radracer said...

I'll take care of water and cups.