Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Thursday (04.01.10)

Suncrest, 5:15 at "The Church"

  • Travel to Highland Highway. Also called SR 92 or 11000 North (Road running East/West that goes to American Fork Canyon)
  • Turn NORTH on 6000 West
  • Turn LEFT at stop sign, 11800 North or Westfield Road
  • Church is 1/2 a mile on the left

Please note that I have checked and double checked and tripled checked the information above.  So help me!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Wednesday (3.31.10)

Church by Triabry's 4:55 or 5:15.

I think we're going to do some thousands.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Monday (03.29.10)

1) Soccer Park, 5:30

2) Rabidrunner's House, 5:15

Friday, March 26, 2010

Saturday 3/27/2010

MINOR CHANGE! (No longer meeting at 4:40)

We (some of us) need to be back early because of scouting for food so there are some choices here:
5:10 Church by TriaBry 280 W 1890 N 17-20 miles
5:30 Soccer Park 13 miles
5:45 Mouth of Canyon 10 miles

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Thursday (3.25.10)

1) 5:15, Church @ 280 W 1890 N, Orem

2) 5:15, Crystal Meth's house

It looks like the north county people will be starting Suncrest next Thursday.  Just so you know.  And can develop anxiety over it.  We'll start small, however...

ALSO... what does everyone want to do Saturday?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Wednesday (3.23.10)

Church at 280 West 1890 North, Orem at:

4:55 or 5:15

(Some plan to tempo for four miles.)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Monday (3.22.10)

1) Soccer Park, 5:30

2) Rabidrunner's House, 5:15

Friday, March 19, 2010

Saturday 3/20/2010

5:00 and 5:30 Church by TriaBry's home (280 W & 1890 N)
Some just want a few more miles! The 5 o clockers will circle back for more peeps at 5:30 then go to the soccer park @ 6:00

have a good race ms mileage

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Thursday (3.18.10)

1) 5:15, church at 280 W 1890 N, Orem

2) 5:15, Crystal Meth's house

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Wednesday, 3.17.2010

5:15 at the Church
Wear Green, it's Green Day.

Some of us will meet at 4:55 for a two mile warm-up then meet everyone else at 5:15 for a 5 mile tempo.  Come one, come all!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Monday (3.15.10)

1) Soccer park, 5:30

2) Rabidrunner's House, 4:55 (for 11) or 5:15 (for 9)

Friday, March 12, 2010

Saturday 3/13/2010

5:30 and 6:00 AM Where Geneva Road meets Provo River in Provo.
Talking at the gym this morning, decided on a bit of different scenery.
This is where there is a small parking lot on the west side of Geneva Road, we run under the road on the Provo River Trail, Those who want more miles can meet at 5:30, then will meet back with others at 6. This should be 10-15 minutes from most of your homes. Let us know if there are issues. I won't be able to post after about 3 PM today.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Fun Cartoon Tribute to RabidRunner

OK, so the gender of one is a bit off, and the arms swings are wide, but this reminded me of our gracious web hostess, RabidRunner, who does manage her spouse, 2 sons, and dog in an amazing way!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Wednesday 3/10/2010

5:15 AM Church by TriaBry's
280 W 1890 N Orem

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Monday (3.8.10)

1) Soccer Park, 5:30

2) Rabidrunner's House, 5;15

Friday, March 5, 2010

Saturday (3.6.10)

Rabidrunner's House, 5:10 (for 17) or 5:30 (for 15)

If you don't want 15, leave a comment and perhaps we can make a loop and come back for you.  If you don't know the address, leave a comment and we can either get you an address or meet you at American Fork High.

If anyone has something going elsewhere, leave a comment and we can post it.

Wednesday (3.10.10)

Church by Triabry's house, 5:15.
280 W 1890 N, Orem

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Thursday (3.4.10)

1)  Church by Triabry's House, 5:15
280 W 1890 N, Orem

2) Crystal Meth's house, 5:15

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Wednesday (3.3.10)

Church by Triabry's house at 4:55 or 5:15
Some of us are going to meet at 4.55 to warm up for two miles then run a four mile tempo at 5:15

The church is located at 280 West 1890 North, Orem